Friday, January 04, 2019

Beyond Pawn Ku's

You got that phone out
Now you wish to put it back
Could be your budget

Television Blues
Pawn it Claim it Pawn it Claim
Why don't you watch it

It is so awesome
Take Playstation from your kids
Pawn it to buy weed

Smell Marijuana
All day long at the Pawn Shop
Really fucking gross

Thursday, January 03, 2019

More Pawn Ku's

Spreading shiny shit
You've just made a tacky mess
Just ugly metal

Your patience is
As thin as the ice outside
Happy you are mad

You just bought a phone
Now why are you selling it
Make up your damn mind

Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Pawn Ku's

I can't understand
When you speak like that you see
I feel your hatred

Your shit is dirty
Broken crap old and worthless
And you want money